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In God's Love We Flourish
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Reception Admissions

All applications are made online. Details of the process can be found at:

Supplementary Information Form for Walsall Faith Schools

Parish Boundary Map

Please be advised, the portal will open on Monday 6th November 2024 for you to apply for a Reception place at our school.  The deadline for applications is 15th January 2025 however, we strongly recommend you complete your application before the deadline.

You will be notified of your offer of a Reception Class place on 16th April 2025, emails will be sent over thoughout the course of the day direct from the Local Authority.

Please click here to see further information

Parents/carers guide to online admissions

Primary admssions information for parents

 Alternatively, you can contact Walsall Primary Admissions Team on 01922 652585.

When making your application, it is essential that you complete the Supplementary Information Form which can be downloaded as part of the process, and return this directly to us at school.

Please note that if your child is baptised Catholic, you must attach a copy of their baptismal certificate in order for the correct priority to be given to your application.

Induction & Transition Information

Towards the end of the academic year, an induction meeting will take place for the parents/carers of children who are due to start Reception class in the upcoming academic year.

Amongst many topics, this presentation will go through the expectations of the school and gives ample opportunities for parents/carers to ask any questions, etc.

If you would like a reminder of the presentation offered to Reception parents during their induction or you could not make the meeting and would like to see the topics covered in the meeting, click here to review the presentation